Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back to Zen

Hello all.

After much deliberation (well, "much" for me since my mind changes a mile a minute), I'm going back to my Zen Buddhism practice. It just suits me better.

I know, this is quite a short-lived blog and my Sikh practice was also quite short also. But for what it's worth, I learned so much from it. Talked to all kinds of great and interesting people and explored a truly wonderful faith.

But in the end, Zen is for me. It's simple, straight-forward yet ancient. And it just vibes with my inner being much better.

So check out my Buddhist blog - Peace in the Beast - and leave a comment if you can.



  1. We can still be turban buddies right? lol

  2. Yes we can! Although I guess I won't be wearing one that often...But I still have lots of material and we can definitely swap stories and suggestions and photos.

  3. Did you ever meditate on Waheguru?

  4. To Anonymous,
    Yes, I did lots of meditating on Waheguru, as well as chanting.

    If you want to chat more about this, please email me:

    I'm not using this blog anymore.
